
ISQ (With TRACE GC Ultra) Operations (4 days)  |  702-023100

This course will familiarize users with operating and maintaining the Thermo Scientific ISQ Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer, the TRACE GC Ultra gas chromatograph, and the Xcalibur software. Students will learn how to tune and calibrate the mass spectrometer for optimal performance. In addition, students will create qualitative and quantitative analysis, processing methods and reports. Lectures and course notes will be provided for both instrument and software lessons. Course topics include:• Setup and maintenance of the Triplus, or AS3000 autosampler• Xcalibur processing methods (Qualitative and Quantitative analysis)• Xreport Template maker• User Libraries • Chemical Ionization• Probe Analysis

*If you are paying with a credit card, our Training Registrar will contact you within two business days to confirm course dates.

*If you are using a voucher to purchase this course, plase call 1-800-532-4752 to speak with our Training Registrar.

For course dates, availability and any questions, please call 1-800-532-4752 or .

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702-023100ISQ (With TRACE GC Ultra) Operations (4 days)This course will familiarize users with operating and maintaining the Thermo Scientific ISQ Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer, the TRACE GC Ultra gas chromatograph, and the Xcalibur software. Students will learn how to tune and calibrate the mass spectrometer for optimal performance. In addition, students will create qualitative and quantitative analysis, processing methods and reports. Lectures and course notes will be provided for both instrument and software lessons. Course topics include:• Setup and maintenance of the Triplus, or AS3000 autosampler• Xcalibur processing methods (Qualitative and Quantitative analysis)• Xreport Template maker• User Libraries • Chemical Ionization• Probe Analysis

*If you are paying with a credit card, our Training Registrar will contact you within two business days to confirm course dates.

*If you are using a voucher to purchase this course, plase call 1-800-532-4752 to speak with our Training Registrar.
1 $3,016.18